We are teens, army brats, and ultimate fangirls! We have extremely eclectic tastes and a thirst for adventure. One artist, one poet, we love to create. We love our God. We love our country. And most of the time, we're ok with each other. Don't look for any rhyme or reason within our posts. Our aim is to be creative, quirky, and fun. After all - "We're all mad here..." The Smittys.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Day two : Everywhere
Hi there! First day of school, challenge completed. It was terrifying, but most everyone was really nice. During lunch i got a bit freaked out and decided to go to the library instead of staying in the crowded lunchroom. I wasn't the only one, so i met some new people. I fell asleep at 6:00 P.M. yesterday after school. Anyway, day two's question!
Where would you like to be in 10 years?
I would like to be somewhere new. If i could, i'd like to change the question to "Where would you like to have been in 10 years?" I would like to travel all my life. To be completely lost in a new country, because that's the best way to see one. I'd like to have been so many places and done so many things, and met so many people that little children will crowd around me asking for a story, and i'll have hundreds. I'm very much the hippie, free-spirited type of person, and i want it to show. I want to ride a train without knowing the destination, to wander the streets of venice singing my own songs, to walk barefoot through a field of flowers and swim in every ocean. In 10 years, i want to be wild and free and beautiful.
Your least favorite song?
Probably either "Get lucky" by Daft Punk, or "Turn down for what" by i don't even know i just hate that song. Someone at AFN radio has an amazing sense of humor, however. The song "Get lucky" played one time right before a commercial about unexpected parenthood. Life comes at you fast, huh?
A book you've read more than 3 times?
I have two. The first is "The secrets of the cicada summer" by Andrea Beaty. I love this book! I can never tell if it's a shorter book or if i just can't bear to put it down until i've finished reading it again. The characters are very unique and easy to get attached to. The plot is easy to follow, and her writing style is light and enjoyable. This book is perfect for summer reading. The second book is "In the shadow of blackbirds" by Cat Winters. This book just caught my attention at the library a few months ago, and i've checked it out at least three times since. Mystery! Romance! Fear! Okay that sounds lame. But this book really is amazing! Based in the WW1 era, and packed full of excitement and intrigue, it's no wonder the book caught my eye. It's become one of my favorites. Some of the subject matter is a bit too heavy for kids, but it's perfect for teens sick of teen fiction. It is a bit of a romance novel, but it's definitely not a "I love you but i can't be with you, so i'll sleep with your sister instead even though it was a misunderstanding and i could have been with you all along" soap opera. And that would be the plot of Arrow.
So. My second day of school. Wish me luck!
Welcome to my world.
Monday, February 1, 2016
Day 1 : The first one.
Hi guys! So for the month of February i was hoping to do one short blog a day. I'll be using the writing challenges that you find on tumblr, that all have the same questions on them. I found three that i liked, so in each blog I'll be answering one question, and posting one song and one book. Things like "What book can you read a million times" and "What song reminds you of something". That kind of thing. Side note : I didn't create these challenges, I just found them on Pinterest. I'm going to have fun with this!
Also, this is my first day of school! I've been home schooled since the first grade, when my sister and I went to a private school back in Arkansas. I'm pretty excited. It's 5:00 A.M. right now, and the bus leaves near 8:00. Which means that I could have slept another hour, but i woke up early to post this for you guys.
You're welcome.
My daily life is of the uttermost importance.
Bask in my glory people of the Internet.
Day 1
Discuss your current relationship.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAno. Unless being mentally married to about 473846856478568 band members and you tubers (And fictional characters) counts, then i am at a loss. I honestly thought my first post would go better than this. Next time the paragraph will be longer, i hope.
Favorite song?
Time to make up for the length of the first paragraph. 'Iris' by The Goo Goo Dolls. This has been my favorite song for quite some time now, for a multitude of reasons. It's haunting melody is completely enchanting, and it's sung with so much feeling that I can't help but miss someone that I never even knew. It's lyrics are relatable to me, and the melody is so perfect that I'm afraid whatever i type won't do it justice. It's the only song that I've heard by this artist, but it's easily one of the prettiest songs i've ever heard. Also the remake by Sleeping with Sirens was really good.
The best book you read last year?
'Maze runner' by James Dasher. When i read it, i had taken a break from books for a time (I was busy and wanted to play video games for once instead of reading) and couldn't find a book that really caught my attention. Then in the library i heard a chorus of angels and saw a heavenly light coming from one of the shelves. What could it be? I read that book cover to cover, taking in every word like it was the last one I'd ever read. Okay, a bit dramatic. But do you have any idea how hard it is to find a book in the teen fiction section that isn't about supernatural beings making out? It's not easy. I loved how at all times you didn't know any more than the protagonist. It made him relatable, and gave the feel of actually being in the maze. Overall, it was one of the best books that i've read in a few years. I definitely recommend reading it!
I'll post again tomorrow and hopefully tell you that I survived my first day of school. Luckily I have an awesome friend volunteer to take me to my classes, and everyone seems really nice.
What are your answers? Let me know your favorite song or book you read last year in the comment section.
Welcome to my world. :)
Hi guys! So for the month of February i was hoping to do one short blog a day. I'll be using the writing challenges that you find on tumblr, that all have the same questions on them. I found three that i liked, so in each blog I'll be answering one question, and posting one song and one book. Things like "What book can you read a million times" and "What song reminds you of something". That kind of thing. Side note : I didn't create these challenges, I just found them on Pinterest. I'm going to have fun with this!
Also, this is my first day of school! I've been home schooled since the first grade, when my sister and I went to a private school back in Arkansas. I'm pretty excited. It's 5:00 A.M. right now, and the bus leaves near 8:00. Which means that I could have slept another hour, but i woke up early to post this for you guys.
You're welcome.
My daily life is of the uttermost importance.
Bask in my glory people of the Internet.
Day 1
Discuss your current relationship.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAno. Unless being mentally married to about 473846856478568 band members and you tubers (And fictional characters) counts, then i am at a loss. I honestly thought my first post would go better than this. Next time the paragraph will be longer, i hope.
Favorite song?
Time to make up for the length of the first paragraph. 'Iris' by The Goo Goo Dolls. This has been my favorite song for quite some time now, for a multitude of reasons. It's haunting melody is completely enchanting, and it's sung with so much feeling that I can't help but miss someone that I never even knew. It's lyrics are relatable to me, and the melody is so perfect that I'm afraid whatever i type won't do it justice. It's the only song that I've heard by this artist, but it's easily one of the prettiest songs i've ever heard. Also the remake by Sleeping with Sirens was really good.
The best book you read last year?
'Maze runner' by James Dasher. When i read it, i had taken a break from books for a time (I was busy and wanted to play video games for once instead of reading) and couldn't find a book that really caught my attention. Then in the library i heard a chorus of angels and saw a heavenly light coming from one of the shelves. What could it be? I read that book cover to cover, taking in every word like it was the last one I'd ever read. Okay, a bit dramatic. But do you have any idea how hard it is to find a book in the teen fiction section that isn't about supernatural beings making out? It's not easy. I loved how at all times you didn't know any more than the protagonist. It made him relatable, and gave the feel of actually being in the maze. Overall, it was one of the best books that i've read in a few years. I definitely recommend reading it!
I'll post again tomorrow and hopefully tell you that I survived my first day of school. Luckily I have an awesome friend volunteer to take me to my classes, and everyone seems really nice.
What are your answers? Let me know your favorite song or book you read last year in the comment section.
Welcome to my world. :)
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Why do we send children to school? "To learn.", you might say, and you would be right. But does anyone stop to think about just how much we could learn from children?
As adults, we are told that we cannot enjoy things meant for children. We put these things aside for the fear of being labeled weird or childish. This thought struck me as i was shouting at Mickey Mouse this morning. He had it coming. He knew fully well that the lucky coin was in the clam, and yet he simply stood there staring blankly at me. So rude.
Do you remember how fun it is to go to the park and swing on the swing set? The wind in you hair, the sunshine on your face, the summer breeze... And if you were especially brave as a child, you would jump out just as you were going forward, flying through the air on the way to a bit of a harsh landing. And what about 'My Little Pony'? I love it. A bit too much, perhaps. Rainbow dash is the coolest.
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Pony |
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Human |
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My OTP |

Everything is more wondrous as a child, because everything is new to us. Imagine the feeling of seeing a movie for the first time. You feel excited, and curious, filled with an almost childlike wonder. Now imagine that this movie you're watching is the whole world. Thunderstorms, Fire and smoke, or just a gentle fall of snow. You'd freak out.
"There are tiny white demons falling from the sky, for goodness sakes why are you smiling tall human?!" I mean, has anyone here seen a video of a baby trying a lemon for the first time?
What sorcery is this?!
I think that there should be a school for adults, where all of the teachers would be children. For mathematics you would count on your fingers, and for science you'd play doctor with teddy bears.
P.E. would be playing tag. Everyone would eat cookies at 3:00, and then take a nap. And do you know what? I think that you should have to graduate from said school to be in any position in politics. Can you imagine? "Mr. Trump, go sit in the corner and think about what you've done." "You aren't my mom!"
Hahahahaha..... Well, the world is run by children anyway.
All of that to say this: if you like being childish, then by all means, go for it. Don't be an idiot, but childish is just fine. (There is a difference between childish and childlike. Both are ok, but childlike is my favorite.) I encourage each of you to go to the nearest dollar store and purchase some bubbles, and perhaps a teddy bear. You can even blow the bubbles inside if you want. You little rebel, you.
If bubbles aren't your thing, go to a park. Play on the swing set. Wrap yourself in a bedsheets and say you're a burrito. The burrito gods will be pleased with you. Build a fort of blankets and read inside with a flashlight. Eat one of those weird Popsicles that came in the plastic tubes. You know, the ones with the razor sharp edges guaranteed to give you joker scars. We've all had them. Heck, I've seen German children with them.

Did i miss any of your childhood favorites? If i did, let me know what in the comment section. I'd love to hear it. :)
Welcome to my world!
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Always late. New year!
Happy (Late) New Year! This will be my year, i can feel it in my bones. I'm afraid that this will be a shorter blog than usual, but i do have a life. Well, kind of.
So for those of you who have also made resolutions for the year, i feel your struggle. Jimminy Cricket, these things are hard to follow. But i promised myself that this is the year that i would.
Here are my resolutions :
1. Improve my singing.
I am going to be a rock star. Or a pop punk star. Or... well, I'm going to be a musician. So improving my singing voice is imperative.
2. Improve grammar/handwriting + Expand vocabulary.
I have met people almost my age who speak like illiterate children. Well, that is what they are, but you see my point. The nine year olds in the neighborhood use better grammar than the 13 year olds. You know who you are. You little rats... I wish to speak with intelligence and dignity, dude.

3. Learn to play the violin.
The violin is a truly beautiful instrument, both in
appearance and sound. I would love to learn to
4. Overcome social anxiety.
Wow. OK, true story here. I ordered my own drink at Starbucks, and because i thought it would be fun, i used a fake name. It was also on my bucket list to do so. So, i said my name was Alex, ordered my lemon frappoccino like a man, and waited at the end of the counter. Well, that was when bad things started to happen. I backed up into an extremely polite elderly man, who apologized to me for running into him, which may not seem so bad -He was friendly, i didn't start crying, all is well- but in my mind, i had just tripped over my own feet and spilled coffee on the queen of England, while screaming curses in front of my grandma. I don't know man, it was just bad. I took my coffee and walked back to where my dad was sitting, but at this point my hands are shaking too much for me to take a sip of my drink, my breathing is all funny, and I'm sure everyone is staring at me. But boy, that frappe tasted like victory. That is not the most embarrassing thing I've done. There was the time we were at a small town in Austria and i accidentally smeared jelly all over my chin, the time we were in Venice and the waiter held my chair while i sat down (No one, that i can remember, had ever done this for me) and i sat down a good foot from the table only to half-stand back up after three intensely uncomfortable seconds so he could scoot the chair back in, and the time i felt like the biggest jerk in the world because we were at the park playing with this kid that spoke German, and we were chatting (He spoke English as well) and i said "There's this phrase we have in America..." and he just goes "I'm American". Yes, this is something I must do.
5. Get into shape + Eat healthy.
Well, well, well. The thing on virtually every one's resolution list. I'm going to start working out, although i am moderately active. Also, I have decided that i didn't want to be vegetarian anymore. I was a crummy one, anyway. So what better thing to do than go vegan instead? Yes. Bask in my glory. I'm giving up animal products, and therefor most junk food as well. Did you know that marshmallows are vegan? Unless i was sorely mistaken in my reading of the ingredients list.

6. Learn a bit of Italian.
For my future travels. And so i can insult people and they won't know it. Silly Americans.
7. Spend little to no time on iPad/TV.
Yeah, i watch waaayyyyy too much television. I've asked my mother to hide my iPad from me for the month of January. I've looked. She's good.
8. Clear mind of negative thoughts.
This one is very important for me, because i have a crapstorm of negativity in my mind. Everything from You shouldn't eat today, to Punch her in her abnormally large teeth, she has it coming to the always annoying You aren't worth the oxygen you take up. I just might punch her in the teeth, though. We'll see. #YOLO
9. Stargaze and learn to navigate by the sky.
MacGyver would be proud.

10. Get better at my hobbies.
Cooking, hiking, sewing, writing... There are so many non-electronic things to do.
11. Keep house clean.
Uuuuugggghhhhhhhhhhh. My room is clean, for the moment. It won't last.
12. Be myself + Be more patient.
I focus entirely too much on fiction. Now i don't want to upset any fangirls out there, I'm as crazy as you are, but focusing on fake worlds and people all of your life is not healthy. Am i going to completely shut out fiction? NO! But when all i talk about is tumblr and fandoms, i need to change something.
13. Start saving money.
I will go to college right after high school, earn my bachelors degree in two years, which would put me at around 19 years of age, then keep a weekly travel blog of backpacking across Europe for a year. I'll see as many things and have as many adventures as possible. After i return home at the age of twenty, depending on time of return, I'll begin my career in music. That will take some money.
14. Start wearing my glasses.
I have the cutest pair of checkered glasses that the eye doctor said i needed for everyday use, but i never use them. I want good eyesight.
15. Take a picture every day of the year.
I missed one day, but that is alright with me, I'm not waiting until 2017 because i missed one freaking day.
16. Write one good thing that happened in a book every day.
For good vibes on cloudy winter days.
So what are some of your resolutions? You can post them in the comment section, if you like, and laugh with me at my failure to get into shape. Have a nice 2016, guys.
Welcome to my world.
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