I'd like to apologize for the Halloween blog, I know
so many people were looking forward to it. Yeah... I lost it. Don't you judge me. Watch, I'll find it on Christmas. Just my luck.
This will be a pretty long post, so... sorry.
So whereas i know nobody reads my blog, i have good advice and I'm going to give it anyway. Now i, as a human being, get sad sometimes. Take now for instance. Lucky me.
But why do we have to be sad?
Why can't life just bake us a big freakin' happy pie and throw us a party everyday? Because it would be creepy, that's why. I mean, can you imagine everyone running around smiling like the joker and throwing flowers everywhere? Terrifying. That's what happened in the 60's.
I have a point, just bear with me.

We, as humans, always want the easy path. We want to see the bright side of everything so we never live in the shadows. It would be easier if we could just cheer up in the blink of an eye and not have to deal with the crap in our lives, whatever it may be.
But i think i understand, that's
not the easier way. And it's not the better way either.
If you had the ability to say "I don't want to deal with this emotion right now", what would happen the next time it came around? We would all be children, hiding under the sheets in the hopes that the monsters under our beds won't find us. But that trick doesn't work when you get older, because the monsters aren't the same. They moved out from under the bed. Now they live in mirrors, and schools. They live in bars and on street corners all across America.
They live inside our heads, covering every thought and feeling until they are the only thing left.
To me, those are the most terrifying.
Personally, i feel as if i should help people.
Sometimes i wish that i could say something so beautiful that it would solve all someones problems, or make them feel okay. I wish that i could write some lyrics that change someones life as much as the music that i listen to has changed mine..
I get emotional and very passionate about music, and annoying, so I've heard, so I'll keep this short.
Music is everything to me. It is the most powerful force on earth. Some people would say love, some science, some poor souls would even say money. But i say music. It has the power to make someone smile even if they're having the worst day ever, It can make people cry and even create a bond between complete strangers.
Music can save lives. And look what it has become.
I can hardly bear to listen to the radio because of the stupid and, honestly, repelling lyrics that make up most of today's music. Music has lost much of it's magic. It's like Harry Potter fan fiction.
Some of you know what i mean. It's either beautifully written and magical, or it takes something really good and turns it trashy and throws in innumerable grammatical errors. (If any of my grammar is incorrect, I'm sorry. so, so sorry. It's unintentional.)
I pity, and salute you fellow potterheads.
Now don't get me wrong, i like fluff music as much as the next guy. From the eternal cheerleader anthem 'Oh Mickey' the the more modern electro-pop-punk-rock-bubblegum-whatever-it-is of Blood On The Dance Floor, some music is good just because it sounds good. An upbeat song is always relevant. (I feel like i should mention that BOTDF actually has some good lyrics.)
But people glorify fluff music and try to pass it off as something deep and meaningful. Not cool, bro. Not cool.
I need to get back on the subject, but that needed to be said. So, back
on the subject, i get sad a lot. I mean,
a lot. and it sucks. So for anyone who gets sad sometimes as well, here as some things that make me being sad everyday less sucky.
1. Being productive! (Notice my positive and upbeat use of an exclamation point!)
Being productive is actually pretty gratifying, if you can get off of the Internet long enough to do it. Planning a diet is fun, and so is working out if you do it the right way. I really
love health food, and enjoy feeling like I'm better than everyone on the couch. Puny humans! I mean... So eating healthy and working out is sometimes fun for me! Even doing chores can be fun if you let in the light and put on your favorite fluff music. Or, if you're like me, metal music. Whatever floats your boat.
2. Hobbies!
My hobbies include: Cooking!
I'm a vegetarian, but i don't eat nearly as many vegetables as I'd like to. Nearly everything that i eat is microwaved tofu products, (Morning star is the BEST) or just carbs and other sugary crap that should really not be entering my body. When i get to cook healthy, i am very happy indeed.
I'm currently working my way through act two of Shakespeare's 'The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet' It's very fun to read because of the old english. I recently finished 'Maze runner', and I'm a huge fan of Lewis Carol. Also Rick Riordan, Suzanne Collins, and of course J. K. Rowling. I also read classic poetry (Poe is my favorite) and fairy tales from the brothers Grimm. I'm not that into comics, but I read my sister's favorite Batman comic (Court of Owls) And i'm on the fifth 'Death Note'. It's a manga, not a comic book, though. If that's important to anyone. *UPDATE* My
amazing sister found 'Allegiant' at the library!
My voice is most of the time worse than my problems, but that does not stop me. I'm very, very loud. But i will say, it's kinda hard to sing along to screaming. That doesn't stop me either. *I'm gonna be a rockstar one day!*
I write poetry, stories, mostly i write lyrics, and sometimes i'll try my hand at a novel that i never finish. I may finish it someday. I have dozens of ideas for a book. I'll include more of my writings in other blogs. I have other hobbies, but this is longer than i thought it would be already.
3. Internet!
I mean, who doesn't love tumblr? C'mon, you know it's awesome. The internet is a magical place where everyone is just as psycho as you are! I don't do social media (My mommy won't let me) unless this counts, but I'm hooked on Pinterest and Youtube. (Yaaaayyyy Dan and Phil!) Playing video games and stuff is great, too. My sister is the gamer, not me, but I'm a decent Minecrafter, and you should see the house that i designed on Sims3. But, that is for another blog...
4. Cozy day!

For those of you who don't know, a cozy day is when you try to get as comfortable and warm and
cozy as humanly possible. The best cozy day takes place in either fall, when you can see the leaves falling, or in winter, when you can see the snow falling. The house must be clean and all your work done, so there's nothing to stress about. Sit in your comfiest chair, sideways, with your legs hanging over the arm. Get your favorite hot beverage (Starbucks is ideal, but you can make yourself some tea as well if you don't want to leave the house.) and sit staring out the window at the beautiful snowfall\leaf-fall. Almost forgot! You must wear your favorite warm Jimmy-Jams. (Pajamas) If you do go to Starbucks, do so in said Jammies. When you finish your drink, either browse the internet or read a book. whichever you like better, but i usually read. After a while, go back to staring out of the window. Alternate between staring and reading or browsing all day and then keep doing it when it gets dark, until you fall asleep in your chair. Bonus: A cat or stuffed animal. Extra bonus: Arctic Monkeys music playing.
5. (Last one, i promise.) CHILL OUT.
Under no circumstances are you required to get something done today. I mean, you might have schoolwork or work-work or chores that you need to do, but if you're really feeling sad, then pfft,
who cares? Screw that, this is your only life. You only have one. That means if you die, you're dead. I cannot stress this enough. If you don't want to work today, if you're feeling too sad to even get out of bed, then so be it. What could happen, really? The world will not end because of dirty dishes. I would know. It already would have if that was possible. You aren't going to get fired because of one day. You won't be held back a grade because of
one day. No one will fault you for taking the day off, and if they do, there's something wrong with their face. Now you can't take every day off, because then you'd be about as productive as the American government. Oooohhh... I went there.
But srsly dudes, chill for a while. You deserve it.
This blog is long enough, so I'll leave you with this:
I don't care. I don't care what you look or sound like, what your hobbies are, or what religion, gender, or sexuality you are. I don't care if you're black, white or purple. I just really couldn't care less. If you're a decent human being (Or cat. I like those) with respect and kindness for other people, then you're pretty cool in my book. And just a personal note, if you're worried you're not a good person, or worried you're not good enough, then let me tell you, you
YOU, my friend, are a lovely person. Remember that.
If you read my blog often (I only have like three posts.) or just read this one, thanks for reading! If you enjoyed my lack of sanity, please leave a comment because i have no life and it would make my week. If you didn't like it, well... I read twilight. I guess we all get disappointed sometimes.
Welcome to my world.
** I don't own any of these photos.